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By: Ryan Holsopple & Mirit Tal
Spring 2005

Peepholes is an interactive networked art installation.
Media is a two-way communication and Peepholes is a project that exposes how we see the world and how the world sees us.

There is something about voyeurism that is fascinating to humans. The idea of watching something that is private inspires curiosity and subversion. What drives us to keep looking through cracks and peepholes even though we know we are spying on something private?

A java based eye tracking program tracks the eye of a viewer when they look into the keyhole of a door. The subtle movements of the eye then control the pan and tilt of a security camera in another location, which is shown through the keyhole. The image of the eye is then displayed on an old television set.

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The feeling of being watched as we live our lives is unsettling, but it is a fact of our everyday lives. Cameras and microphones are always pointed at us and we are not alone. Knowing this, do we change how we go about or daily lives?
Everywhere you go, take a moment to look around you, there is a high possibility that you are being monitored. Walk into any deli or store and there is probably a camera on you. Most stores have motion sensors that are set off every time you enter or exit. We are so used to these devices that they have become ingrained in our subconscious.
This project allows for another look at how we see things and are conscious of the fact that we are being watched.
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'Given:1. The Waterfall, 2. The Illuminating Gas' by Marcel Duchamp

Christian Marclay
"210 W 14th St"
The artist recreated the door of Duchamp's studio in NYC

Sunpak pan and tilt camera mount

x10 - NINJA Pan 'n Tilt Camera Mount with Remote Control

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